The health, safety and environment department at VGT is a dynamic team which strives to achieve an international level standard to benefit all concerned. We continuously review, update and promote all our policies to make sure we keep in line with all legislations and morals that today’s work environment poses.

We train and inform all personnel using our facilities such that they understand our policies and apply them as an integral part of the operations and not as an imposed structure. We pursue approval for all our plans from respected authorities in the industry, to make sure our standards are kept to the highest level.

Click here to download our Health and Safety Policy

General Info

Your safety is our number one priority so please follow all instructions given by our trained staff.

Passage ways, access areas and facilities are all clearly labeled. A First Aid box can be found in the Security office. It is good to know that all security personnel are qualified First Aiders.

Our Smoking Policy sets out the regulations on smoking at our facilities, and strict adhesion is obligatory. A Drug and Alcohol Policy is also enforced.

Emergency Procedures

In the unlikely case of an emergency the alarm will be raised by VGT personnel. They will escort all passengers to the nearest muster station located near the security office. The muster station is clearly marked with the following sign:

Health & Safety Brochures

Click here to download our safety and security brochure for Deep Water Quay.

Click here to download our safety and security brochure for Laboratory Wharf.